In 2016, the Rotary Club of Karen (RCK) conducted a needs assessment of the Karen Police Station. The assessment identified many issues, including lack of transport, housing, water and inadequate learning and play opportunities for the children, who through no fault of their own, lived with their parents within the austere conditions afforded by the police line accommodations.
Whilst the first three needs were dire, they remained the direct responsibility of the Government and the only role the Club could play was petitioning on the station’s behalf. However, the need for a play area and library was one well suited for RCK to support in partnership with various stakeholders within Karen.
The station grounds was proposed and a prefabricated container outfitted as a library – the children would then be able to read in the evening and weekends – it would have both school set books and leisure reading. It would also be powered by solar electricity. Outside of the library, leveling a small area and provide swings, slides and other play equipments was proposed. The project estimated cost Kshs. 500,000.00. (USD 5000) Armed with this the Club approached The Hub and The Karen Country Club to join the partnership.
RCK in 2017 handed over the library & the playground to the Karen Police Station at a colorful ceremony held at the station’s grounds. Soon after this, another great partnership was formed between The Oxford University Press and Longhorn Publishers PLC who have continuously delivered books to the club for distribution throughout the country, including Karen Police Station, in conjunction with all the Rotary Clubs in Kenya.
RCK President Rtn Anne Mbogori, delivered another book donation to the OCS Madam Purity Kobia in September as they marked Basic Education and Literacy month. The Club prides itself as this being one of their signature projects.