October 15th is Global Handwashing Day. A global advocacy day dedicated to increasing awareness; and understanding; about the importance of handwashing with soap as an effective, and affordable way to prevent diseases, and therefore save lives.

To mark this day, on Friday 14th October the Rotary Club of Karen, in conjunction with The Rotaract Club of Karen, Unilever, and Woman’s Hope donated; and distributed; soap, sanitizers, and sanitary pads to four schools in the Karen Community.

One of the key objectives of Rotary Worldwide is “Disease Prevention and Treatment”. In line with this, the goal for the day was to provide soap to the schools, in partnership with Lifebuoy by Unilever. Through mentorship, members of the Rotary Club of Karen also provided education to teachers; and students; on proper hand washing behavior, so that hand washing at school becomes a habit. Another goal at The Rotary Club of Karen is to become hygiene champions, and educate others about the importance of hand washing.

The Rotary Club, and Rotaract Clubs of Karen demonstrated proper hand washing techniques to children at St. Mary’s Primary, Nkaimurunya Primary, Karen C Primary and Secondary Schools.

Through the distributions; and donations; over 2,500 students, and community members were impacted.